

Seattle HypnoBirthing Reviews


I cannot recommend HypnoBirthing enough. I was initially a little skeptical because the name of the course seemed a little woo-woo and out there.  However, after reading some reviews and hearing my husband say he thought it’d be a good idea, we gave it a shot.  I’m so happy we did!  Our instructor was Tracy.  She was warm, bright, thoughtful, articulate, understanding, and so knowledgeable.  We learned so much about the physiology of labor and how to see giving birth in a non-clinical setting.  We learned a lot of tools for calm birthing and what to expect at the hospital, and ultimately felt totally prepared for The Big Day.  

After my water broke, I followed the guidelines we learned.  I took a shower, did the relaxation techniques, had lunch, and even though I was excited and nervous (baby’s coming!! woohoo!!), I was basically just… fine.  My first baby and I wasn’t scared at all.  Thanks to HypnoBirthing and Tracy’s fantastic coaching, my husband and I were fortunate to have the birth experience we’d hoped for.  The first time they checked my dilation, I was already 9.5 cm.  Time seemed to fly by.  No drugs, no IV, no cords restraining me, no premature cord clamping, and total freedom to roam as I wished.  We had a “circumstance” and our delivery physician, aware of our birthing preferences, worked with us to successfully avoid medical intervention.  

We had a wonderful and understanding hospital staff (Tracy and Kira explain how to communicate *with* them so that you’re working as a team) and at the end – a beautiful baby.  He came out wide-eyed and serene.  The hospital staff marveled at our birth experience, and we even had two doctors come by in the morning to meet the “Hypnobirthing parents” they’d heard so much about.  It was pretty cool.  Give HypnoBirthing a chance.  And do the assigned homework!  It will put you in the driver’s seat for one of the coolest experiences of your life.  You will learn so much, feel empowered, and be ready to welcome your baby – in your own way – into the world when the time comes.

“I am so happy that my husband and I signed up for Seattle Hypnobirthing before our second birth. We had a difficult first birth, which ended in a c-section, and I really wanted a VBAC for our second birth. The class focused on positive birth experiences, and allowed me to release all of my fears built up from the first birth. It gave me the tools I needed to relax and truly believe in my body’s ability to give birth. Tracy was down to earth and very approachable making us feel 100% comfortable with whatever our birth choices were. Without her encouragement, I don’t believe that my husband and I would have openly discussed our true feelings about our first birth. Thanks to Tracy and her class, we had a beautiful second birth where I felt truly supported. Thank you Tracy!”
When I look back at my birth I see my birth team, a team of incredible women who supported and empowered me.  And even though Tracy was not present at the birth, she was certainly an essential part of the team as our birth instructor.  We enjoyed the classes and found the hypno exercises very useful.  The exercises are not just useful for the birth but I used them to help me sleep and find comfort during the last weeks of the pregnancy and am using them all the time now to help me get to sleep immediately whenever I get a chance to sleep with a newborn.  My husband uses them too!  Tracy is a great instructor. We loved being led through the hypnosis scripts and such during each class by her calming voice and energy.  She’s funny and knowledgeable and the class is very well organized over the 6 weeks.  We also had a couple classes with Kira and those were great too!  I would recommend these classes for anyone committed to a natural birth without interventions, especially an out-of-hospital birth.
“We can’t express how grateful we are for what we learned in the class! It was so helpful! My husband especially is so grateful… He has been my source of calm throughout the whole experience  and even now. I had a wonderful fast labor- contractions started at 7pm and he was born at 3 am…. I arrived to the hospital 10cm and ready to push! Not expected for a FtM!   The hypnobirthing was So helpful to breath the baby down and to relax between contractions. Everyone at the hospital was praising my breathing. Hypnobirthing was so valuable  and we are so grateful for you for teaching us! Feel free to share our story 🙂 “
Jared (and spouse!)

I wish I could give Tracy and Seattle HypnoBirthing SIX stars!

Last week, my wife gave birth to our beautiful, healthy baby and she did so by making extensive use of the HypnoBirthing techniques we practiced.  As a result, my wife gave birth without any pain medication and had a great (despite a very intense, very challenging) birth experience!!!

Thanks to our HypnoBirthing classes and regular practice, my wife was able to very quickly calm down and claim rest after each surge.  During a very intense, active labor, my wife actually fell asleep a few times, for the brief moments in between surges!

If you or your spouse is pregnant, do yourself a favor and take this class!!!!  If you’re taking this class, do yourself a favor and _practice_ !!!  The techniques worked because my wife had already trained her body to respond to the techniques and methods Tracy taught us.

Finally, and I cannot over-emphasize this, having a great nurse, who supports natural childbirth and has some experience with it, is worth everything in the world!!!  Our nurse had taken HypnoBirthing and was a former doula so she not only completely understood our goals but she knew the same techniques, methods and positions and was able to make suggestions that slipped my mind with all the excitement of the day.

Thank you, Tracy!!  You helped us have as natural a childbirth as possible and a safe childbirth for both mom and baby.  We found this class extremely valuable and the end result was extremely successful.  Thank you!!


Tracy was such a pleasure to take hypnobirthing classes from! The class structure and organization was very well thought out. The hypnobirthing techniques I learned have created a new sense of peace and calmness surrounding my upcoming birth day. I feel much more confident, and my partner benefited from the classes tremendously. We’re both very pleased with the whole experience.


This class really helped me to feel empowered to make my birth what I want it to be. Tracy is committed and caring and really knowledgeable. She makes herself available for questions and follow up. You can feel her commitment to your success and making your birth experience the best it can be, acknowledging that means something different for everybody.


Some people are really good at what they do but Tracy Adams is exceptional.  I have never in my life experienced hypnosis and thought I was unable to until my one on one sessions with her.  I feel she really understands how the brain functions through hypnosis which gives me confidence in her instruction.  She is a positive force in my preparation for one of the biggest events in my life. I’m lucky to have found her. 


My husband and I took Tracy’s Hypnobirthing classes in preparation for the birth of our second child. After having a difficult delivery with our first child we had a lot of anxiety and wanted to ensure we were better able to advocate for ourselves during our second birth. Not only did we feel more empowered for our second birth, we were able to let go of a lot of negative emotions that we had held onto from our previous experience. We used the techniques Tracy provided us for 12 hours of unmedicated labor, on pitocin, and even though we ultimately didn’t end up with a fully unmedicated birth due to special circumstances we felt empowered to ask the right questions and make informed choices. While our birth didn’t go as planned, we both feel positive about our experience and that has a lot to do with Seattle Hypnobirthing. In addition, Tracy is just wonderful. She was a tremendous resource throughout our journey, we’re so grateful for all she did to help us!



Seattle Hypnobirthing helped me feel prepared and excited for the birthing experience. It also taught me relaxation techniques to manage my work-related stress and incorporate into my yoga practice and day-to-day life. I feel empowered to birth my baby and begin raising her in a peaceful way. Thank you!


I highly recommend Seattle HypnoBirthing; they have created a very thorough, organized curriculum that helped me feel more comfortable and confident throughout my birthing experience. My teacher Tracy taught us all the essentials within a six week period. She was very warm and kind as well as creative and knowledgeable. She used fun games to help us remember all the key concepts and HypnoBirthing techniques.  Tracy was very easy to talk to and available before class, during breaks, after class, and via email if we had any questions. She was able to answer all our questions but was willing to gather even more detailed answers for us if we wished. Thanks to Tracy’s guidance and the HypnoBirthing curriculum, I was able to have the calm, joyful, and unmedicated birthing experience that I had hoped for.


We loved our experience with Seattle Hypnobirthing! Tracy and Kira were both incredibly knowledgable and very compassionate. I have extreme anxiety in medical situations and was looking for a way to calm myself down and get normal blood pressure readings (or within an acceptable range) at my doctor appointments – something my anxiety made incredibly difficult. While I was never able to completely get control of those blood pressure readings (though if we had started hypnobirthing earlier, I may have been able to work through that better), hypnobirthing allowed me to have the most natural birth possible under the circumstances. We were induced, but never actually needed the petocin and I even went without an epidural. 

Without hypnobirthing, my experience would have been SO much more difficult. It kept me calm and relaxed through the whole labor, in spite of my anxiety. It also helped my husband and I to know exactly what to do for me to make me the most comfortable. Because of the class, we had so many important conversations before the birth that we didn’t even know we should be having! It made us closer as a couple and helped my husband to feel like more than just a bystander. He was an active participant in our baby’s birth.

Before signing up, we were worried it would be a little too “out there” for us. However, the instructors were very grounded and we found everyone participating to be exceeding normal and fun to talk to. So worth the time, so worth the money … we’ll probably be back for a refresher course when we get around to having our second!


The most valuable thing that I got from Seattle Hypnobirthing was a wonderful sense of peace and calm about the birth and my pregnancy. I felt emotionally grounded and ready, so much so that our doctor commented during the birth that this would be the first baby that would be “laughed out of her mom”. 

As a disclaimer, because of some medical issues I ended up getting induced and eventually, an epidural. Even if our birth didn’t go as planned, I still give credit to Kira and Tracy for what I thought was a beautiful birth. The most important thing I took from the classes I think was the perspective shift, moving your thoughts away from fear and instead learning to trust your baby and your body. 

Three more things that I think are valuable: one, the pregnancy itself was made significantly less stressful because of the weekly sessions and daily affirmations; that the participation of my husband was invaluable in that he became an integral part of the pregnancy and birth, which fostered a wonderful bond and partnership; and lastly, that Kira and Tracy give an additional focus on what happens AFTER the birth — something most classes sadly ignore.


I can not say enough about the Seattle HypnoBirthing and working with Tracy. My husband and I had private sessions with her and it gave us the confidence going into the birth of our son that we had a set of tools that we could rely on. Ultimately it’s about getting in touch with your body and removing the element of fear. Tracy did a wonderful job of constantly presenting us with options so that we could choose what was right for us. Regardless of your plan for your birth, or lack there of, I think the coaching and advice that this practice arms you with is invaluable. Whether you’re considering medicine or hoping to go without, I think this is a wonderful approach to the process and I would highly recommend this for any pregnant couple in the area. (Thank you, Tracy!)


My husband I learnt so much about the whole birthing process from Tracy. Before I started the course I was very excited to be a mom but anxious about labor and what a natural birth would be like. By the end of the course, my husband and I were so excited about the birth. We learnt about the physical process of labor and how to assist the body in the birthing process. Tracy provided us with the information we needed to know what we really wanted in the birth of our first child. We were then able to communicate our wishes to the hospital staff to achieve our planned birth. The relaxation techniques that are taught in the course allowed me to feel in control and manage my labor without medication. Importantly, the course provided my husband with the skills to be able to assist me in helpful ways throughout the labor. Thank you so much Tracy – I really feel like I was able to achieve the birth that I’d hoped for because of what you taught us.

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Postpartum Program Reviews

“HypnoMothering was the perfect finale for the Hypnobirthing class experience… HypnoMothering gave me a practical set of tools to rely on when stress and anxiety threaten to overwhelm. I feel much more prepared to be the kind of mama I’ve always hoped to be–one who can model kindness, patience, self-care, and perhaps above all, a peaceful way of handling even the most difficult moments.”

“HypnoMothering was a fabulous class. Of course it makes sense to apply the HypnoBirthing techniques to the postpartum period and it was great to break it down and begin conceptualizing what that period will/can look like. I feel much more confident as I think about coming home with baby now that I have some tools in my back pocket.”

“HypnoMothering…was so relaxing. I have learnt techniques to find peace during times of stress and chaos, and at the same time I can remain alert to my responsibilities. I enjoyed the reflective exercises because I was able to observe myself without going into reaction and in some way this helped me to except things as they are.”

“What a great class! I am so glad I went. I learned a lot of wonderful tools to help me cope with stress, lack of sleep and general frustration. I am excited to begin practicing.”

“Thank you so much for adapting your HypnoMothering program for the mothers of toddlers and preschoolers! I am already noticing a difference using your techniques. My 3 year old noticed them as well and asked me to teach her the 3 breaths (HypnoMama Breath) which has been both our favorites. A great class I would recommend to anyone seeking to find more peace within the mothering journey.”

“I found the HypnoMothering class helpful to talk with other moms and expecting moms, as well as learn techniques to calm my mood if feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. I have already used the 3 breathing techniques and positive imagery and found myself feeling more “at ease” in the situation at hand. :) Thanks for having such a powerful course that can help in so many ways, in parenting and beyond.”

“The HypnoMothering class calmed my anxieties about the first few months and gave me real, tangible solutions to help me deal with the transition. I feel so much more prepared, at ease and excited! Every mom-to-be, and even those with kids already can benefit from this class.”

“The tools that Tracy and Kira provide in their HypnoMothering course are incredibly useful! I am practicing HypnoMothering breathing regularly. In many ways, I wish I had taken HypnoMothering before my daughter was born…on the other hand…the material lands in a more effective way now that I know what I’m dealing with emotionally. I’m looking forward to using the audio hypnosis soon!”

“HypnoMothering has given me tools to find some calm in the new baby storm.”

“The HypnoMothering techniques are very useful and I look forward to using them. I also loved having the support of other pregnant women in the group and the ability to bounce ideas off of one another.”

“This class is anchored in much that I’ve been reading and talking with friends about regarding becoming a mother.”

“I really enjoyed the class and would certainly recommend it to others looking for a similar labor and birthing approach. The handouts were great and I appreciate having access to audio downloads. The size of the class was comfortable for questions and interaction. Your availability for questions etc is also appreciated. Thank you for a great experience.”

“A concise course jam packed with a variety of relaxation techniques to help cope in the tough times of new motherhood. I’m excited to listen to the download tracks as I found the Hypnobirthing tracks very useful.”

“It was GREAT!”

“I enjoyed the class! I feel confident that I have a lot of tools that I can use to remain calm once my baby arrives. Thanks!” “HypnoMothering equipped me with some additional tools for releasing fear and tension for after my baby arrives. It also brought up things I hadn’t thought about or prepared for to this point.”

“Wonderful class! very insightful… lots of great tools that I am looking forward to using once baby arrives.” “I am looking forward to using the techniques we learned in class. I have already found the breathing techniques from hypnobirthing class to be very beneficial in my everyday life, and find that I have more patience and feel calmer and more content in general, by utilizing the techniques. I think the hypnomothering class is a nice way to wrap up the hypnobirthing series.”

“Simple, practical tools to help me on my journey. A lovely space to just “be” for a couple of hours during the course.”

“Thank you so much for a wonderful, relaxing afternoon. I don’t know if it was just having a kid-free break out of the house, or the opportunity to share my parenting experiences with a group of lovely ladies, or the calm breathing, or a combination of all, but I walked out feeling so refreshed. Better than I feel after a massage!”