
Hypnosis for Birth

I’m Tracy Barrett Adams, a clinical hypnotherapist specializing in pain relief, insomnia, and anxiety. I’m also a mother of four, birth doula, and childbirth educator. I would be honored to share this time in your life, and help prepare you for a positive childbirth experience. This course offers evidence-based information, relaxation tools, self-advocacy skills, a mindset to enhance your birth, and ongoing support throughout your pregnancy.


We took the class in the winter of 2018 and found it so helpful to prepare for the birth of our baby girl. In addition to the hypnobirthing philosophy and techniques, you learn how to be your own advocate in the birthing process … We HIGHLY recommend this class to anyone preparing for your labor and parenthood.” (Erin M., Seattle, WA)

Self-Paced with Live Online Drop-in Sessions

Receive immediate access to the entire course content
(8 hours of self-paced videos, 8 hypnosis MP3s)

Attend optional live-online sessions throughout your pregnancy (offered at least once each week, student schedule requests accommodated)

Parent Guidebook mailed to your home


Read more about this class

8 hours of self-paced learning

  • Learn to connect to your natural birthing instincts
  • Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques
  • Breathing techniques for labor and birth
  • Hypnotic relaxation and visualization
  • A section devoted to a partner’s role throughout labor and birth
  • Massage and pressure techniques for comfort
  • Natural ways to encourage your body into labor
  • Positions and activities that help labor to progress
  • Collaborating with your care team
  • Advocating for yourself and your baby
  • How these tools can help if you’re facing a medical concern with your pregnancy

Materials mailed to you

Almost as soon as you enroll, we’ll mail a hard copy of the Parent Guide, and some other nice surprises we’ve picked out for you and your baby.

Live-online sessions (optional)

Each week, Tracy schedules at least one 45-minute drop-in sessions, and you may attend these throughout your pregnancy, as much or as little as desired. Tracy will take your scheduling requests into consideration for these sessions, so we can find a time that will work for you.

“We took Tracy’s class online. With pregnancy brain it was helpful to just do a little every day, and then be able to review. The hypnosis was mostly easy to learn with the videos but I kind of didn’t get one of the breathing techniques , so Tracy worked with me more than once in the live meeting time, and it fell into place. The convenience was great and the sense of feeling so cared for by Tracy was an immense help for me.” (Rachel Y., Seattle, WA)

Without hypnobirthing, my experience would have been SO much more difficult. It kept me calm and relaxed through the whole labor, in spite of my anxiety. It also helped my husband and I to know exactly what to do for me to make me the most comfortable. Because of the class, we had so many important conversations before the birth that we didn’t even know we should be having! It made us closer as a couple and helped my husband to feel like more than just a bystander. He was an active participant in our baby’s birth.

Before signing up, we were worried it would be a little too “out there” for us. However, the instructors were very grounded and we found everyone participating to be exceedingly normal and fun to talk to. So worth the time, so worth the money … we’ll probably be back for a refresher course when we get around to having our second!

Tracy Barrett Adams, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Childbirth Educator.  A third of Tracy’s practice is devoted to hypnosis for fertility, childbirth, and new parenthood. A mother of four and birth assistant (doula), Tracy is intimately familiar with the real-world challenges of labor and birth, and she’s thoroughly committed to equipping parents to move through challenges with calm and confidence. When not working with pregnancy related issues, Tracy specializes in working with chronic pain and migraine, insomnia and anxiety. Tracy teaches the Integrative Medical Hypnosis practitioner certificiation course for the International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy.

Meet the Rest of the Seattle Hypnobirthing Team

Kira Dorrian, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Substitute teacher for live-online sessions.  Kira co-founded Seattle Hypnobirthing with Tracy in 2011. Kira has helped hundreds of parents prepare for birth, and has herself given birth to twins using all of the techniques from this program. In recent years, Kira co-created and hosted the popular parenting podcast Raising Adults, and is delighted to be a resource for expectant parents again, rejoining Tracy for this program’s live online student support sessions.

Kayla Adams, Administrative Assistant. Kayla handles the nuts and bolts. She makes sure you receive your materials, and helps everything else run smoothly. Kayla holds a B.A. in Theatre Arts from Western Washington University. She is currently working remotely from Chicago, where she is pursuing a career in theatre direction.


Frequently Asked ...


  • When to Start?  Hypnobirthing will be of benefit whether you begin early in pregnancy or very near the finish line, though most begin between 24 and 32 weeks (giving you time to absorb the material and practice). If you are earlier on in your pregnancy you could certainly begin with the “Foundations” section and learn techniques, and then go at your own pace with the rest of the learning throughout your pregnancy. Whenever you begin, we’ll be connecting so you can get the support you need.

What is Hypnosis?  Hypnosis is a safe, natural state of selective, focused attention, and typically people in hypnosis feel fully present, though very relaxed. By intentionally creating the state of hypnosis, you can achieve a deeper level of relaxation than might normally be available to you, all the while remaining calm and aware of everything around you.

Will I be asleep? Will I be unconscious?  While using hypnosis you will be fully awake, you will be aware of everything around you and be fully capable of having conversations with others, and you can choose to move out of self-hypnosis at any time.

Will I remember everything?  Self-hypnosis will help you to be more relaxed and calm, and will not alter or eliminate any memories. The calm and absorbed state of focus allows you to create a mental, emotional, and physical environment that’s primed for a positive birth experience.

Will my labor be painless?  Hypnobirthing does not promise that you will have pain-free labor – however, the philosophy of Hypnobirthing is that extreme pain does not need to be a normal accompaniment to a healthy woman with normal labor. Using hypnosis for childbirth will help you to feel more relaxed and calm, focusing on welcoming each surge as a step closer to holding your baby in your arms.

Is my partner involved?  Hopefully, your partner will watch the entire video series, and attend the live online sessions with you. Although the program contains an entire section dedicated to partner support, information from the whole program will be of value for your experience as a couple.

I’m single, or prefer to labor without my partner, can that work?  Yes, absolutely. This program is flexible, and you’ll be equipped to use techniques independently.

Can I bring more than one labor support person to the live online sessions? If you have more than one life partner or are part of a parent group, your group is welcome to attend. If you have a doula who would like to attend, please go ahead and put them in touch with me, as there may be more direct ways for them to become familiar with hypnobirthing in helpful ways.

Can Hypnobirthing help if I’m planning an epidural, induction, or cesarean birth? Yes, it can. Self-hypnosis is beneficial for all types of birth, regardless of whether or not you are choosing an unmedicated path, medicated pain relief, or having a cesarean birth. The techniques you will learn will enable you to discover ways of relaxing and ensuring a calm environment, all leading toward a positive and empowering experience.

If I have more questions, can I connect with Tracy?  Yes! You can contact me here: Contact Tracy